Pass it Around
"If I made records for my own pleasure, I would only record Charley Patton songs." - Bob Dylan
VD songs by Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan Almost completely unknown
As interest in the Timothy Chalamet Bob Dylan biopic rises to a pitch (drops Christmas and I’ll be there) I thought it a nice time to drop my own story of when Dylan performed Woody Guthrie’s VD songs! I don’t know if they have ever been released on any Dylan project, but the belong. They showed up on the bootleg record in 1969 on the VD Blues Trade Mark of Quality Lp. The VD songs were written by Dylan’s idol while Woody was working for the U.S Public Health Service in 1949…It was a national scourge which had to be addressed and you could say they were commissioned. Dylan’s versions were recorded in 1961 and have shown up online in various places, then leave. They are temporarily posted by the Swingin’ Pig label on YouTube. There are several and they are brutal, Fascinating recordings unlikely to be in the new film. There are four. I’ll post one.