For years after 9/11, NYC was an armed camp. Trucks full of WTC debris passed my apartment every day, the wreckage was still smoldering, and funerals were being held on a regular basis for firemen at the cathedrals around town. Bagpipes every time. Armed guards with machine guns stood guard at every public place. Yet Dylan came to play Madison Square Garden, once a mere month after the attack, and again a year later. Ticket holders weaved through security, for many it was their first large public gathering after the attack. Lots of performers had canceled shows. During the show, Dylan said "Many of these songs were written right here in New York. No one has to ask how I feel about New York." He played "Yea! Heavy and a Bottle of Bread" for probably the first time live, and covered the Eagles "The End of Innocence" as well. I've never felt prouder of being a New Yorker, and never felt prouder of Dylan.